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Guitar and Bass

Guitar and Bass tend to have a steeper learning curve at first, however is highly rewarding and addictive!

Here I will go through some FAQ's about books and instruments for beginners.

Kids beginner guitar lessons 

What book series to get?

For young beginners on guitar, I would recommend the Progressive Guitar Method for Young Beginners book 1. It goes through the basics of reading notes and finding them on the guitar fretboard. It also introduces kids to playing simple chords and chord progressions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What guitar should I get for my child?

I would go with nylon string guitars and also get the appropriate size - For young kids, definitely get a half or three-quarter sized guitar. If you want them to enjoy the instrument, I find a smaller size helps them to reach the notes a lot more easily and the nylon strings reduce finger strain. Even if they are big enough to play a full size guitar, I'd still go with a smaller one - It's just a lot easier to start with, and they're still fully playable even for adults. I would stay away from the cheapest models under $100. They tend to use cheap materials which can warp and can become unplayable if left in the wrong conditions such as humid and hot areas.

How often should my child practice?

Every day if possible! If not, at least 3 times per week. When first starting, I would say 5-10 minutes per practice sessions is enough. Any more, and their fingers may get sore. When we get further in our lessons, then you'll want to up the practice to 15-20 minutes.

Can kids just learn guitar by ear?

They certainly can, however I do encourage all styles of learning such as working out the notes by ear, by reading tablature and by reading sheet music. These all come in handy for various situations and should all be practiced, 

Teenager and adult lessons

Starting guitar or bass as an older learner can be tricky with more and more commitments building up. However, it certainly is possible with commitment, a regular practice routine and also a tailored learning experience. 

You likely already have some specific musical interests and want to spend most of the time exploring those particular genres and styles of interest - I definitely encourage it and think that it leads to better motivation and a deeper passion for learning. During the lessons, I'll usually start off with some exercises to build technique, and then we can chip away at certain songs to build a small repertoire that you can hopefully perform some day. 

For older learners, I do recommend having a book to go through as it covers a lot of bases in a nice linear progression, and also contains useful information that can be revised at anytime. 

There are different books suited for different styles - please let me know what you're interested in and I'll recommend a book for you.

For any further enquiries, please write a message here, or find my contact details on the home page.

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